ICPECYVI organizing committee with great honor extending you a warm invitation to attend the International Conference on Physical Education for Children and Youth with Visual Impairments which is slated to held in 22nd February'2025 in Jaipur, India. The Conference will offer a wide platform to share vital and recent innovations in the arena Physical Education for Children and Youth with Visual Impairments. It also has a wonderful space for both scientific presentations like oral, poster and commercial exhibition. ICPECYVI have an exciting program that will allow the participants to reflect upon and celebrate the past accomplishments, renew friendships, extended networking opportunities, foster communication between speakers and delegates and jointly unveil current and future research directions. We hope that you will have a useful and fun filled time in Jaipur, India at this special ICPECYVI. We look forward to welcoming you all for what promises to be an outstanding event.
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Scope And Benifits
All the accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
All the accepted paper will be published in relevant International Journals.
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Delegates with research activities and innovative ideas which may be beneficiary for humanities will be funded through NIER Research Funding Scheme
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Conference Coordinator
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