National Institute For Engineering Research is a paramount organization to boost the technology and provide a premier scope for research in India. The organization supports the research scholars and geniuses of our nation both technically and financially. NIER is governed by Vigyan Vidya Education and Research Trust (VVERT) which is registered under Indian Trust Act .This Trust provides the following benefits the the research scholars ,delegates, students, engineers and scientists of our country to come out with their dream research projects.
National Institute for Engineering Research (NIER) provides financial assistants to the research scholars develop modify and implement their reach work without taking headache for financial constraints.
The organization grants scholarship to students working in various fields of Engineering and technology to complete their innovations.
More over National Institute for Engineering Research (NIER) offer s zero interest loans to engineers and scientists to work on their research without considering their financial constraints.
NIER is collaborated with number of non-governmental and government undertaking organization who come forward to support and promote the research in field of engineering and technology without any hesitation by providing the financial aids to research scholars and students.
The Institute also provides financial and monetary assistance to number of research institute working in the field of science and technology to bring technical revolution in India.